Section 138 roads act application penrith council Manawatu-Wanganui

section 138 roads act application penrith council

SYDNEY NORTH PLANNING PANEL HORNSBY COUNCIL Council’s procedure for accepting and processing a Roads Act application is as follows: 1. A Section 138 Application must be lodged with Council seeking approval for any work proposed within the road reserve. The following details must be submitted to Council in order to obtain the Section 138 approval:

Construction certificates and Roads Act Consents – The

Section 138 applications Shoalhaven City Council. The application is an Integrated Development requiring approval under Section 201 & 219 of the Fisheries Management Act 1994, Section 58 of the Heritage Act 1977, Section 90 of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974, Section 138 of the Roads Act 1993, Rural Fires Act 1997 and Section 90 & 91 of the Water Management Act 2000., This is Page No 6 of the Confirmed Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Penrith City Council held in the Council Chambers on Monday 27 June 2016 H025 – Construction of garbage rooms H041 – Hours of work (other devt) K101 – Works at no cost to Council K201 – Infrastructure Bond K202 – Section 138 Roads Act – Minor works in the public road.

made under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (Section 78A) Roads Act 1993 (Section 138) and Local Government Act 1993 (Section 68) Disclaimer: The information provided by you on this form will be used by City of Parramatta Council or its agents to process this application. Council’s procedure for accepting and processing a Roads Act application is as follows: 1. A Section 138 Application must be lodged with Council seeking approval for any work proposed within the road reserve. The following details must be submitted to Council in order to obtain the Section 138 approval:

Council’s land use application form (LUA) which includes consents under other Acts for development, now include a section for the Roads Act application. This means, for example, that if you are applying to build a new dwelling with a driveway, it is recommended you apply for Section 138 approval at time of LUA application lodgement. Council 1-7-2018 · This means that before the complying development certificate can be issued a developer will still need to obtain the local council’s consent — under section 138 of the Roads Act 1993 — for the construction of any kerb, crossover or driveway. There is no direct right of appeal if the local council refuses to issue such a consent.

If you think that your application may be Integrated Development then you should contact the rel evant authority to determine what their application requirements are. These other approvals may include one or more of the following. Fisheries Management Act 1994 Rivers and Foreshores Improvement Act 1948 Heritage Act 1977 Roads Act 1993 The application seeks approval from the Department of Planning – Water Management Act 2000 Section 89, 90 & 91 and Roads and Traffic Authority – Roads Act 1993 Section 138. The Development Application referred to in this notice and supporting documentation accompanying the subject application may be inspected at the locations listed below at any time during ordinary office hours.

Development Application The following development application has been received by Council: Friday, January 20 2012. The Western Weekender. Stephen and Margaret Adams 83 Copeland Street, Penrith. 10. DA11/1453. Information. Any person may, during the exhibition period, make a submission in writing to Penrith City Council, in relation to the Fast-track this process by using Council's combined application process, allowing you to lodge your development application and construction certificate at the same time with one application form. If you need assistance completing this application, please contact Council's Development Services Administration team on 4732 7991.

K202 – Section 138 Roads Act Approval. K501 – Penrith City Council clearance (Roads Act Approval) K Special - No earthworks including cut and fill or building works including a retaining wall, garden shed or other structures of the like are permitted within the easement. 90 Application of Public Works Act 1912 to certain work . 138 Works and structures . 139 Nature of consent . Division 2 of Part 3 (so far as it relates to the widening of an unclassified public road for which a council is the roads authority), section 175

Online Application Forms. Find out more information on the Roads & Paths page. Tree Pruning and Tree Removal - Find out more information on the Tree & Vegetation Removal page. Downloadable Application Forms 601 High Street. Mail … requirements of Penrith Council, as the ultimate owner of the road. TfNSW has an approval role (Section 138 of the Roads Act, 1993) for the components of the WNSLR that involve Lenore Drive and the design of the four intersections. TfNSW noted it would be unlikely to support signalised intersections at Estate Road 1 and Lockwood Road.

Section 96 refers to the part of the Act that allows a development consent to be modified, as long as the development is substantially the same. If Council does not agree that the proposed modifications would result in substantially the same development as was originally approved, a new development application will need to be submitted for assessment. The application seeks approval from the Department of Planning – Water Management Act 2000 Section 89, 90 & 91 and Roads and Traffic Authority – Roads Act 1993 Section 138. The Development Application referred to in this notice and supporting documentation accompanying the subject application may be inspected at the locations listed below at any time during ordinary office hours.

LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1993 - As at 18 October 2019 - Act 30 of 1993 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Long Title CHAPTER 1 - PRELIMINARY 1. Name of Act 2. Commencement 3. Definitions 4. Does this Act bind the Crown? 5. To what parts of the State does this Act apply? 6. Notes in the text CHAPTER 2 - WHAT ARE THE PURPOSES OF THIS ACT? 7. NARROMINE SHIRE COUNCIL ORDINARY MEETING BUSINESS PAPER – 13 MARCH 2019 SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT TO COUNCIL – GENERAL MANAGER Page No 1 1. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION DA 71/2018 – HIGHWAY SERVICE CENTRE LOT 45 & 46 DP 755110 – 10-12 MERILBA STREET, TOMINGLEY Author Executive Manger Health Building Environmental Services

Penrith City Council PO Box 60 Reference is made to your letter dated 29 May 2018, regarding the abovementioned application which was referred to Roads and Maritime Services (Roads and Maritime) for comment in accordance with Clause 104 of State Environmental Planning Policy (Infrastructure) 2007 and Section 138 of the Roads Act requirements of Penrith Council, as the ultimate owner of the road. TfNSW has an approval role (Section 138 of the Roads Act, 1993) for the components of the WNSLR that involve Lenore Drive and the design of the four intersections. TfNSW noted it would be unlikely to support signalised intersections at Estate Road 1 and Lockwood Road.

Apply for a certificate. Below is a list of the various certificates that may be required as part of your development process. Click on the header bars to get more information. For further information on the application process, including fees, please contact us on 9839 6000. an environment protection licence under Chapter 3 of the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 (for any of the purposes referred to in section 43 of that Act) a consent under section 138 of the Roads Act 1993; a licence under the Pipelines Act 1967; an aquifer interference approval under the Water Management Act 2000

Region. ROLAs on roads in other regions are managed by RMS (and Local Councils if Council Roads) and issued by Obtaining an ROL for the specified activities is a legal requirement under Section 138 of the Roads Act. (council) roads, application are to be made to the relevant local council authority. Section 138 of the Roads Act 1993. Roads and Maritime has the following comments for Council’s consideration in the determination of the application: 1. The proposal does not achieve the minimum car parking requirements in accordance with the Roads and Maritime Guidelines, being a rate of one space per 300m2, with the provision of 98

Western Weekender Penrith by Western Sydney Publishing. A formal application must be made to Council under Section 138 of the Roads Act 1993 and should be made on the appropriate form “Driveway Access to Property application” and the applicable fee paid. Incomplete applications will not be considered until all requested information is provided., Section 138 Roads Act Approvals 25. Under Section 138 of the Roads Act 1993, should any work on the verge, footpath, or public road reserve be required, a Section 138 Roads Act Approval will need to be obtained from Council. In this regard, the applicant is to make a formal application to Council. The Section 138 application is to.

Forms Penrith City Council

section 138 roads act application penrith council

SSD2 Application Penrith City Council PO Box 60 Reference is made to your letter dated 29 May 2018, regarding the abovementioned application which was referred to Roads and Maritime Services (Roads and Maritime) for comment in accordance with Clause 104 of State Environmental Planning Policy (Infrastructure) 2007 and Section 138 of the Roads Act, 6. Obtain approval through the lodgement of an application under Section 68 of the Local Government Act 1993 and Section 138 of the Roads Act 1993 for an activity which is proposed to be undertaken in, on or above a road reservation (including footways). Such activities include: (a) installation of hoardings/scaffolding;.

Forms Penrith City Council

section 138 roads act application penrith council

NOTICE OF DETERMINATION APPROVAL. Development Application Form - Modify a Consent (pdf) - Added 17 months ago. Construction Certificate Application (pdf) - Added 17 months ago. Swimming Pool Certificate of Compliance Application Form 21 5 2018 (pdf) - Added 17 months ago. Information Sheet Confirming Property Registration Section 10.7 Planning Certificate (pdf) - Added 19 Region. ROLAs on roads in other regions are managed by RMS (and Local Councils if Council Roads) and issued by Obtaining an ROL for the specified activities is a legal requirement under Section 138 of the Roads Act. (council) roads, application are to be made to the relevant local council authority..

section 138 roads act application penrith council

Section 138 Roads Act Approvals 25. Under Section 138 of the Roads Act 1993, should any work on the verge, footpath, or public road reserve be required, a Section 138 Roads Act Approval will need to be obtained from Council. In this regard, the applicant is to make a formal application to Council. The Section 138 application is to LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1993 - As at 18 October 2019 - Act 30 of 1993 TABLE OF PROVISIONS Long Title CHAPTER 1 - PRELIMINARY 1. Name of Act 2. Commencement 3. Definitions 4. Does this Act bind the Crown? 5. To what parts of the State does this Act apply? 6. Notes in the text CHAPTER 2 - WHAT ARE THE PURPOSES OF THIS ACT? 7.

Penrith City Council PO Box 60 Reference is made to your letter dated 29 May 2018, regarding the abovementioned application which was referred to Roads and Maritime Services (Roads and Maritime) for comment in accordance with Clause 104 of State Environmental Planning Policy (Infrastructure) 2007 and Section 138 of the Roads Act This is Page No 6 of the Confirmed Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Penrith City Council held in the Council Chambers on Monday 27 June 2016 H025 – Construction of garbage rooms H041 – Hours of work (other devt) K101 – Works at no cost to Council K201 – Infrastructure Bond K202 – Section 138 Roads Act – Minor works in the public road

Lake Macquarie City Council Lake Mac Awards. Nominations are open to give our City’s sporting greats, accomplished artists, environmental warriors, and volunteers recognition for their achievements. At the completion of all permanent restoration works carried out by the City of Sydney Council, all monies remaining will be returned to the billable party via Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT). Please provide all information requested below in order to process your refund. - under Section 138 of the Roads Act

K202 – Section 138 Roads Act Approval. K501 – Penrith City Council clearance (Roads Act Approval) K Special - No earthworks including cut and fill or building works including a retaining wall, garden shed or other structures of the like are permitted within the easement. Council’s land use application form (LUA) which includes consents under other Acts for development, now include a section for the Roads Act application. This means, for example, that if you are applying to build a new dwelling with a driveway, it is recommended you apply for Section 138 approval at time of LUA application lodgement. Council

The application seeks approval from the Department of Planning – Water Management Act 2000 Section 89, 90 & 91 and Roads and Traffic Authority – Roads Act 1993 Section 138. The Development Application referred to in this notice and supporting documentation accompanying the subject application may be inspected at the locations listed below at any time during ordinary office hours. SYDNEY NORTH PLANNING PANEL HORNSBY COUNCIL ASSESSMENT REPORT Panel Reference 2017SNH048 Maroota Applicant Dixon Sand (Penrith) Pty Ltd Owner Mr Michael John Camilleri and Ms Helen Elizabeth Dixon Date of DA lodgement 14 October 2016 Number of Submissions Three in accordance with section 138 of the Roads Act 1993.

Council’s land use application form (LUA) which includes consents under other Acts for development, now include a section for the Roads Act application. This means, for example, that if you are applying to build a new dwelling with a driveway, it is recommended you apply for Section 138 approval at time of LUA application lodgement. Council Council’s procedure for accepting and processing a Roads Act application is as follows: 1. A Section 138 Application must be lodged with Council seeking approval for any work proposed within the road reserve. The following details must be submitted to Council in order to obtain the Section 138 approval:

Council’s procedure for accepting and processing a Roads Act application is as follows: 1. A Section 138 Application must be lodged with Council seeking approval for any work proposed within the road reserve. The following details must be submitted to Council in order to obtain the Section 138 approval: Development Application The following development application has been received by Council: Friday, January 20 2012. The Western Weekender. Stephen and Margaret Adams 83 Copeland Street, Penrith. 10. DA11/1453. Information. Any person may, during the exhibition period, make a submission in writing to Penrith City Council, in relation to the

concurrence from Roads and Maritime under Section 138 of the Roads Act 1993. Furthermore, Roads and Maritime has previously acquired a strip of land for road along the Mulgoa Road frontage of the subject property, as shown by blue colour on the attached Aerial –“Z”. Roads Apply for a certificate. Below is a list of the various certificates that may be required as part of your development process. Click on the header bars to get more information. For further information on the application process, including fees, please contact us on 9839 6000.

Government Notices 693 NSW Government Gazette No 23 of 8 March 2019 FIRE AND RESCUE NSW ACT 1989 Order under Section 5 (2) D. HURLEY, Governor I, General The Honourable DAVID HURLEY, AC DSC (Ret’d), Governor of the State of New South Wales, with requirements of Penrith Council, as the ultimate owner of the road. TfNSW has an approval role (Section 138 of the Roads Act, 1993) for the components of the WNSLR that involve Lenore Drive and the design of the four intersections. TfNSW noted it would be unlikely to support signalised intersections at Estate Road 1 and Lockwood Road.

A formal application must be made to Council under Section 138 of the Roads Act 1993 and should be made on the appropriate form “Driveway Access to Property application” and the applicable fee paid. Incomplete applications will not be considered until all requested information is provided. The application is an Integrated Development requiring approval under Section 201 & 219 of the Fisheries Management Act 1994, Section 58 of the Heritage Act 1977, Section 90 of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974, Section 138 of the Roads Act 1993, Rural Fires Act 1997 and Section 90 & 91 of the Water Management Act 2000.

section 138 roads act application penrith council

Section 96 refers to the part of the Act that allows a development consent to be modified, as long as the development is substantially the same. If Council does not agree that the proposed modifications would result in substantially the same development as was originally approved, a new development application will need to be submitted for assessment. D&B-Section 138-Application for a Driveway and/or a Road Opening Permit Type 1 Share If you are not a public authority, use this form to apply to carry out the nominated works on a road, nature strip, footpath, kerb and gutter under the control of Council.

Section 138 Driveway Crossing Information

section 138 roads act application penrith council

SSD2 Application Planning and Assessment Act, and Council has been notified of the proposed commencement of the work in accordance with the requirements of the EP&A Act, Вѕ Any appropriate approval is in place under the provisions of section 138 of the Roads Act, and Вѕ The appropriate performance and security bonds have been lodged with the Council., Section 96 refers to the part of the Act that allows a development consent to be modified, as long as the development is substantially the same. If Council does not agree that the proposed modifications would result in substantially the same development as was originally approved, a new development application will need to be submitted for assessment..


REVIEW OF SIDRA MODELLING AND TRAFFIC REPORT FOR. Lake Macquarie City Council Lake Mac Awards. Nominations are open to give our City’s sporting greats, accomplished artists, environmental warriors, and volunteers recognition for their achievements., If you think that your application may be Integrated Development then you should contact the rel evant authority to determine what their application requirements are. These other approvals may include one or more of the following. Fisheries Management Act 1994 Rivers and Foreshores Improvement Act 1948 Heritage Act 1977 Roads Act 1993.

Before making a submission about a Development Application information is an offence under the EP&A Act. Council is required to make any disclosure made under this section publicly available on its website. Further information about the requirement to disclose any political donations and gifts is outlined in section 10.4 of the EP&A Act. Strategic planning Council has a number of strategies related to planning, including the Local Environment Plans, Development Control Plans, Structure Plans, Shoalhaven Contribution Plan and more. Development forms All application forms related to planning and building. Development Application Tracking Details of DAs received since 2006. Maps

6. Obtain approval through the lodgement of an application under Section 68 of the Local Government Act 1993 and Section 138 of the Roads Act 1993 for an activity which is proposed to be undertaken in, on or above a road reservation (including footways). Such activities include: (a) installation of hoardings/scaffolding; Apply for a certificate. Below is a list of the various certificates that may be required as part of your development process. Click on the header bars to get more information. For further information on the application process, including fees, please contact us on 9839 6000.

90 Application of Public Works Act 1912 to certain work . 138 Works and structures . 139 Nature of consent . Division 2 of Part 3 (so far as it relates to the widening of an unclassified public road for which a council is the roads authority), section 175 The application seeks approval from the Department of Planning – Water Management Act 2000 Section 89, 90 & 91 and Roads and Traffic Authority – Roads Act 1993 Section 138. The Development Application referred to in this notice and supporting documentation accompanying the subject application may be inspected at the locations listed below at any time during ordinary office hours.

Apply for a certificate. Below is a list of the various certificates that may be required as part of your development process. Click on the header bars to get more information. For further information on the application process, including fees, please contact us on 9839 6000. Fast-track this process by using Council's combined application process, allowing you to lodge your development application and construction certificate at the same time with one application form. If you need assistance completing this application, please contact Council's Development Services Administration team on 4732 7991.

Strategic planning Council has a number of strategies related to planning, including the Local Environment Plans, Development Control Plans, Structure Plans, Shoalhaven Contribution Plan and more. Development forms All application forms related to planning and building. Development Application Tracking Details of DAs received since 2006. Maps K202 – Section 138 Roads Act Approval. K501 – Penrith City Council clearance (Roads Act Approval) K Special - No earthworks including cut and fill or building works including a retaining wall, garden shed or other structures of the like are permitted within the easement.

K202 – Section 138 Roads Act Approval. K501 – Penrith City Council clearance (Roads Act Approval) K Special - No earthworks including cut and fill or building works including a retaining wall, garden shed or other structures of the like are permitted within the easement. The application seeks approval from the Department of Planning – Water Management Act 2000 Section 89, 90 & 91 and Roads and Traffic Authority – Roads Act 1993 Section 138. The Development Application referred to in this notice and supporting documentation accompanying the subject application may be inspected at the locations listed below at any time during ordinary office hours.

A formal application must be made to Council under Section 138 of the Roads Act 1993 and should be made on the appropriate form “Driveway Access to Property application” and the applicable fee paid. Incomplete applications will not be considered until all requested information is provided. Apply for a certificate. Below is a list of the various certificates that may be required as part of your development process. Click on the header bars to get more information. For further information on the application process, including fees, please contact us on 9839 6000.

Roads Act 1993 No 33 Contents Page Historical version for 1.3.2012 to 30.6.2013 (generated on 25.07.2013 at 12:38) 89 Roads authorities not liable for damage by tar 30 90 Application of Public Works Act 1912 to certain work 30 Part 7 Protection of public roads and traffic Division 1 … At the completion of all permanent restoration works carried out by the City of Sydney Council, all monies remaining will be returned to the billable party via Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT). Please provide all information requested below in order to process your refund. - under Section 138 of the Roads Act

1-7-2018 · This means that before the complying development certificate can be issued a developer will still need to obtain the local council’s consent — under section 138 of the Roads Act 1993 — for the construction of any kerb, crossover or driveway. There is no direct right of appeal if the local council refuses to issue such a consent. Penrith City Council PO Box 60 Reference is made to your letter dated 29 May 2018, regarding the abovementioned application which was referred to Roads and Maritime Services (Roads and Maritime) for comment in accordance with Clause 104 of State Environmental Planning Policy (Infrastructure) 2007 and Section 138 of the Roads Act

Roads Act 1993 No 33 Contents Page Historical version for 1.3.2012 to 30.6.2013 (generated on 25.07.2013 at 12:38) 89 Roads authorities not liable for damage by tar 30 90 Application of Public Works Act 1912 to certain work 30 Part 7 Protection of public roads and traffic Division 1 … Acknowledgement: Orange City Council is situated within the traditional lands of the Wiradjuri Nation. We acknowledge the traditional custodianship of these lands, and pay our respect to the Wiradjuri people for their care and stewardship of these lands for more than 40,000 years and to the Elders of the Wiradjuri Nation past, present and future.

Development Application Form City of Parramatta Council

section 138 roads act application penrith council

NOTICE OF DETERMINATION APPROVAL. If you think that your application may be Integrated Development then you should contact the rel evant authority to determine what their application requirements are. These other approvals may include one or more of the following. Fisheries Management Act 1994 Rivers and Foreshores Improvement Act 1948 Heritage Act 1977 Roads Act 1993, 1-7-2018 · This means that before the complying development certificate can be issued a developer will still need to obtain the local council’s consent — under section 138 of the Roads Act 1993 — for the construction of any kerb, crossover or driveway. There is no direct right of appeal if the local council refuses to issue such a consent..


section 138 roads act application penrith council

Road Occupancy Manual Section 96 refers to the part of the Act that allows a development consent to be modified, as long as the development is substantially the same. If Council does not agree that the proposed modifications would result in substantially the same development as was originally approved, a new development application will need to be submitted for assessment. Roads Act 1993 No 33 Contents Page Historical version for 1.3.2012 to 30.6.2013 (generated on 25.07.2013 at 12:38) 89 Roads authorities not liable for damage by tar 30 90 Application of Public Works Act 1912 to certain work 30 Part 7 Protection of public roads and traffic Division 1 ….

section 138 roads act application penrith council

of a Section 138 Roads Act approval. RECOMMENDATION 1. That Council approve the traffic management measures generally in accordance with the submitted traffic management plan with the following variation(s): a. Giveway signage for the internal “T” intersections be deleted from the plan, requirements of Penrith Council, as the ultimate owner of the road. TfNSW has an approval role (Section 138 of the Roads Act, 1993) for the components of the WNSLR that involve Lenore Drive and the design of the four intersections. TfNSW noted it would be unlikely to support signalised intersections at Estate Road 1 and Lockwood Road.

Section 138 of the Roads Act 1993. Roads and Maritime has the following comments for Council’s consideration in the determination of the application: 1. The proposal does not achieve the minimum car parking requirements in accordance with the Roads and Maritime Guidelines, being a rate of one space per 300m2, with the provision of 98 requirements of Penrith Council, as the ultimate owner of the road. TfNSW has an approval role (Section 138 of the Roads Act, 1993) for the components of the WNSLR that involve Lenore Drive and the design of the four intersections. TfNSW noted it would be unlikely to support signalised intersections at Estate Road 1 and Lockwood Road.

This is Page No 6 of the Confirmed Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Penrith City Council held in the Council Chambers on Monday 27 June 2016 H025 – Construction of garbage rooms H041 – Hours of work (other devt) K101 – Works at no cost to Council K201 – Infrastructure Bond K202 – Section 138 Roads Act – Minor works in the public road Council’s land use application form (LUA) which includes consents under other Acts for development, now include a section for the Roads Act application. This means, for example, that if you are applying to build a new dwelling with a driveway, it is recommended you apply for Section 138 approval at time of LUA application lodgement. Council

Discover how Council can assist you to make your grand plans a reality, with all the information about lodging a Development Application through to the plans and strategies in place to guide development. We are always working on improving roads in Port Stephens. … A formal application must be made to Council under Section 138 of the Roads Act 1993 and should be made on the appropriate form “Driveway Access to Property application” and the applicable fee paid. Incomplete applications will not be considered until all requested information is provided.

90 Application of Public Works Act 1912 to certain work . 138 Works and structures . 139 Nature of consent . Division 2 of Part 3 (so far as it relates to the widening of an unclassified public road for which a council is the roads authority), section 175 Roads Act 1993 No 33 Contents Page Historical version for 1.3.2012 to 30.6.2013 (generated on 25.07.2013 at 12:38) 89 Roads authorities not liable for damage by tar 30 90 Application of Public Works Act 1912 to certain work 30 Part 7 Protection of public roads and traffic Division 1 …

Acknowledgement: Orange City Council is situated within the traditional lands of the Wiradjuri Nation. We acknowledge the traditional custodianship of these lands, and pay our respect to the Wiradjuri people for their care and stewardship of these lands for more than 40,000 years and to the Elders of the Wiradjuri Nation past, present and future. Before making a submission about a Development Application information is an offence under the EP&A Act. Council is required to make any disclosure made under this section publicly available on its website. Further information about the requirement to disclose any political donations and gifts is outlined in section 10.4 of the EP&A Act.

made under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (Section 78A) Roads Act 1993 (Section 138) and Local Government Act 1993 (Section 68) Disclaimer: The information provided by you on this form will be used by City of Parramatta Council or its agents to process this application. Penrith City Council PO Box 60 Reference is made to your letter dated 29 May 2018, regarding the abovementioned application which was referred to Roads and Maritime Services (Roads and Maritime) for comment in accordance with Clause 104 of State Environmental Planning Policy (Infrastructure) 2007 and Section 138 of the Roads Act

Strategic planning Council has a number of strategies related to planning, including the Local Environment Plans, Development Control Plans, Structure Plans, Shoalhaven Contribution Plan and more. Development forms All application forms related to planning and building. Development Application Tracking Details of DAs received since 2006. Maps Application for Approval - Section 68 LGA 1993 & Section 138 Roads Act 1993 WHAT NOW: Once your application is received a Council Officer may contact you to discuss your proposal, which may include a request for further information and / or clarification of the proposal.

The Blue Mountains Local Government Area covers 140,377 hectares, 74% of which comprises National Park. With its spectacular World Heritage environmental setting, the Blue Mountains is home to a community of nearly 80,000 people residing in 27 towns and villages spread across 100 kilometres of mountainous terrain. Lake Macquarie City Council Lake Mac Awards. Nominations are open to give our City’s sporting greats, accomplished artists, environmental warriors, and volunteers recognition for their achievements.

Outlines any future road widening that is proposed by the Roads Act 1993, Environmental Planning Instrument or Council Resolutions pertinent to the subject property. S: Sandwich Board Application (PDF, 370kB) An application for approval is required for new sandwich boards. Approved boards will be issued a permit number. If you think that your application may be Integrated Development then you should contact the rel evant authority to determine what their application requirements are. These other approvals may include one or more of the following. Fisheries Management Act 1994 Rivers and Foreshores Improvement Act 1948 Heritage Act 1977 Roads Act 1993

The application is an Integrated Development requiring approval under Section 201 & 219 of the Fisheries Management Act 1994, Section 58 of the Heritage Act 1977, Section 90 of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974, Section 138 of the Roads Act 1993, Rural Fires Act 1997 and Section 90 & 91 of the Water Management Act 2000. Apply for a certificate. Below is a list of the various certificates that may be required as part of your development process. Click on the header bars to get more information. For further information on the application process, including fees, please contact us on 9839 6000.